~Dr Kerr
Drake Young / Lady Kerr~
Young has studied and worked throughout Europe
and Japan as well as the US for over 30 years.
Never "settling" for second or less enabling her
to brin
g the best to her clients & students.
Carefully weaving each session to accommodate
each client's own personal needs through
patience & specific attention to intimate
from a rich Celtic heritage, embarking upon this
journey at a very young age, attending several major Universities & tutelaged in the "Olde
Ways" as well as the New! Always seeking out the
source and learning from true Masters worldwide.
Educated & experienced in the use of ancient as
well as modern energies & healing techniques,
utilizing plant essences, exotic oils & herbs,
guided meditation & journeying, therapeutic
touch & spiritual guidance.
Combining (weaving) them is the mystery in
making a true Tantric Master, enabling you, the
client to expand your awareness and facilitate
healing on a deeper, cellular even spiritual

~ Tantra ~ Weaving & Expanding !
Honoring the connection of Body~Mind~Spirit.
Credentials include:
Baccalaureate . . . Music
Master's . . . Psychology/Theology
Doctorate . . . Metaphysical Studies
Certified Usui Reiki Master/Teacher
Licensed Sex Educator. . . Life Coach
Licensed Spiritual Counselor
Massage Therapist (various modalities)
Certified Nutritionist
Certified Veterinary Technologist
Ryu~Matsumura~Kenpo~Kubodo Master
Ordained Interfaith Minister . . .

I have been extremely fortunate & totally blessed to
have studied, worked and traveled with many amazing
people in the world of Healing Arts all over the
globe. Some of the most memorable being Mother Meera,
Dr. Wayne Dyer, James Van Praagh, Carolyn Myss,
Louise Hey, Mantak Chia, Dr. Monse Grodon, Flora de
Mayo, Ken Stubbs PhD, Dr. Chet Snow & his lovely
wife Kallista, Jankuso Kwong and the monks and
teachers at the Zen Center. And of course Rinpoche'
Chogyam Trungpa who prompted me on this journey many
years ago. All exuding the light and love of a true
Alas, I too am but a tour guide, here to help others
find their way, & discover their true "inner ~
Jewel! (the meaning of the word, Jebijou)
Always learning and honored by those who choose to
be my students and trusting clients. Networking with
an amazing group of worldwide colleagues, compelled
to teach and to aide all who seek & come my way.
The teacher takes care of all
and abandons no one.
Takes care of all things. . . and abandons nothing
if the teacher is not respected,
and the student not cared for,
confusion will arise, however clever one is.
This is the crux of mystery.
This is called following the light
Tao te Ching |